Ash Grove Bus Station

Click here to download the guidance for filling in the draft Ash Grove SPD online questionnaire.


Mare Street South (MSS) Action Group is a volunteer community group of local people and business in the Mare Street South. We live and work in Andrews Road, Beck Road, Bocking Street, Mare Street & Sheep Lane. The group supports the creation of new homes and businesses in a manner which is sustainable and complimentary to the existing lives and work of the people of Hackney.


Ash Grove Bus Station, owned by Transport for London and the adjoining land, owned by Hackney Council, has been identified as a site for the development of residential, commercial and industrial properties. A Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) * has been published

It is included in the Local London Plan 2033 (LP33) created by Hackney Council. Three options for development are outlined in the published plan (page 212 of this PDF)

Hackney Council have launched a public consultation and members of the public are encouraged to attend to hear about the plans and give their insights, views and raise any specific objectives. The survey to give your views is now live and there a number of public drop in sessions to sign up to via the consultation website starting on the Wednesday 17th July and ending on Monday, September 9th.

Our Take on the SPD…

We encourage local and impacted people to read the SPD for themselves to inform their own views and opinions; however, this group has summarised its views below. We aim for transparency and recognition of the time needed to digest this document.  We have had access to professional opinion in the architectural industry and planning consultants which informs our views.

MSS Action are concerned about …

  • Clarity on the building heights being proposed as it appears to support dense and tall developments with perimeter residential tower blocks of 10-14 stories

  • Clarity on the number of homes, and many of these will be truly affordable or social housing (document suggests 420 ‘units’)

  • Lack of consideration of traffic increase and parking. For example, the option for a bus entrance/exit onto Bush Road will increase noise and traffic and make the green space less safe for children to play.

    Approach to building above bus garage as a single approach is offered and costs associated with this approach which could lead to an increased in scope and housing units to pay for the project.

  • Contradiction and lack of clarity in suggested structures and suggestions presented, e.g. quadrant design with central green space vs. roof-top greenhouse. 

  • The actual level of public influence in the initial stages of this application, the claims at the beginning of the SPD seems inflated vs. the group's experience

    MSS Action are encouraged by …

  • The outreach effort of the council in this current public consultation for the SPD.

  • Support for the plan objectives which are in line with the Community Strategy Vision including creating a cleaner and greener Hackney, respecting Hackney’s historic character, tackling health inequalities and creating liveable and accessible neighbourhoods where people choose to walk cycle and socialise.

  • Incorporation of Green Space and some Community Features within the SPD.

  • Stated recognition of surrounding conservation area status and sensitivity to height for existing neighbours.

 What Can You Do

Read the Draft SPD to inform your insights and opinions on the Draft SPD

Have your say on the draft SPD through the survey or attending the council led workshop and information session starting on the Wednesday 17th July. Sign up on the council’s consultation website here.

 *A Supplementary planning Document or SPD is [explain an SPD in lemans terms]